Oriente son los otros: Occidente, protestantismo e islam en el pensamiento de Ziya Gökalp

The Orient are the others: The West, Protestantism and Islam in the Thought of Ziya Gökalp


  • Javier Gil Guerrero Universidad de Navarra




Gökalp, Turkey, Reformation, Westernization, Islam, Orientalism, Modernity


Spurred by the encroachment of European powers and the failure of the liberalization undertaken by the Young Ottomans, Ziya Gökalp developed a program that sought to reconcile the assimilationist and refractory visions with respect to the project of Westernization and modernization. His thinking was embraced by the Young Turks as well as by Atatürk and is fundamental to understanding 20th century Turkey. Separating the concepts of culture and religion from the idea of civilization, Gökalp proposed an essentialist interpretation concerning the former and a syncretistic one concerning the latter. To justify the fact that Turks could enter modern Western civilization without renouncing their culture and religion, Gökalp presented an account that placed Islam at the origin of Western modernity that emerged from the Reformation. By establishing a kinship between Islam and Protestantism, Gökalp also sought to dissociate the Turks from any link to the idea of the Orient.



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How to Cite

Gil Guerrero, J. (2025). Oriente son los otros: Occidente, protestantismo e islam en el pensamiento de Ziya Gökalp : The Orient are the others: The West, Protestantism and Islam in the Thought of Ziya Gökalp. Araucaria, 27(58). https://doi.org/10.12795/araucaria.2025.i58.06



Las ideas. Su política y su historia
Received 2024-06-27
Accepted 2025-02-10
Published 2025-02-11
  • Abstract 74
  • PDF (Español (España)) 34