Territorialidad, memoria y acción colectiva: Ulster como lugar en disputa a través del documental audiovisual

Territoriality, memory, and collective action: The Ulster as place of dispute through audio and video documentary


  • Pedro Limón López Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Egoitz Gago Antón Universidad Complutense de Madrid




Places of memory, territoriality, moral geography, symbolic análisis, Northern Ireland


The 10th of April 1998 was signed in Belfast the Good Friday Agreement, or Belfast Agreement, between the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland governments, as well as the main political leaders of Northern Ireland. This agreement was accepted by popular referendum in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, starting the end of a protracted conflict developed in the Ulster region for three decades. The agreement, and its subsequent modifications gives the upmost importance the symbolic aspects of collective memory through places of remembrance. This work looks for, using symbolic analysis and symbology of memory, in the political art developed in mural paintings in Derry and Belfast, and testimonies presented in interviews and video and audio documents, to analyse the different processes of revindication and contestation inside places of memory linked to the different political identities implicated in the Northern Irish Conflict, as well as the different tools for resignification of the conflict collective memory and its importance in the current peacebuilding process.


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How to Cite

Limón López , P., & Gago Antón , E. (2024). Territorialidad, memoria y acción colectiva: Ulster como lugar en disputa a través del documental audiovisual: Territoriality, memory, and collective action: The Ulster as place of dispute through audio and video documentary . Araucaria, 26(56). https://doi.org/10.12795/araucaria.2024.i56.22
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