Models of Fortitudo Feminae in Tacitus Annals: Agrippina the Elder, Epicharis and Boudicca

Modelos de fortitudo feminae en los annales de Tácito: Agripina la mayor, Epícaris y Boudica


  • Pilar Pavón



época julio-claudia, mujeres, virtus animi et corporis, defensa de valores


This paper analyses three women from the Julio-Claudian period: Agrippina the Great, Epicaris and Boudica, from different social conditions and geographical origins, as paradigms of fortitudo animi et corporis in Tacitus' Annals.  Throughout the passages of this work, the author's admiration and sympathy for the lost causes defended by these women against the power of tyranny can be glimpsed. In his narrative, he introduces elements that lead the reader to take a stand in their favour, although he is sometimes critical of the behaviours that are inappropriate for their conditiones feminarum. Despite the extensive bibliography on these women, their figures have not been treated from the perspective discussed here.


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How to Cite

Pavón, P. (2023). Models of Fortitudo Feminae in Tacitus Annals: Agrippina the Elder, Epicharis and Boudicca : Modelos de fortitudo feminae en los annales de Tácito: Agripina la mayor, Epícaris y Boudica. Araucaria, 25(54).
Received 2023-06-07
Accepted 2023-06-07
Published 2023-10-03
  • Abstract 215
  • PDF (Español (España)) 128