Los designios de las relaciones comerciales entre España y Latinoamérica (1995- 2022)

The designs of trade relations between Spain and Latin America (1995- 2022)





Foreign Trade, Spain, Latin America, Product Complexity Index, Trade Blocks, CAN, UNASUR, MERCOSUR, CARICOM


This paper analyses trade relations between Spain and Latin America and the Caribbean using data from DataComex (Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism), the World Trade Organisation and the Atlas of Economic Complexity. It attempts to answer two questions, on the one hand, whether bilateral relations between Latin America and the Caribbean and Spain have developed positively and, on the other, whether trade has evolved towards products with a higher level of complexity and therefore towards activities with higher added value. The study shows that the percentage of imports and exports between Spain and Latin America and the Caribbean has remained stable in the range of 4% and 6% over the last few decades, and that there has been no increase in the complexity of products, with extractive and primary sectors being the main export sectors to Spain.


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How to Cite

Velicia-Martín, F., & Martín-Serra, E. (2023). Los designios de las relaciones comerciales entre España y Latinoamérica (1995- 2022): The designs of trade relations between Spain and Latin America (1995- 2022). Araucaria, 25(54). https://doi.org/10.12795/i54.30
Received 2023-05-04
Accepted 2023-05-08
Published 2023-10-03
  • Abstract 227
  • PDF (Español (España)) 123