Paradigmas historiográficos de la Antigüedad tardía: de Gibbon a la (vieja) New Late Antiquity Historiographical Paradigms of Late Antiquity: from Gibbon to the (Old) New late Antiquity


  • Raúl Villegas Investigador Ramon y Cajal, Departament de Història Antigua, Universitat de Barcelona



Decline, continuity, Empire, Late Antiquity, Christianity


Although Gibbon continues to be widely recognized as an exceptional historian, as well as a magnificent writer, few historians of late antiquity today share the interpretive paradigm of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Authors such as Peter Brown and Henri-Irenée Marrou successfully combated the "decadentist prejudice" when approaching the study of Late Antiquity. If we had to summarize in a single term the predominant interpretive paradigm in our days in the study of this period, it would be that of “continuity”: continuity (at the administrative, legal, cultural levels, etc.) between the post-imperial kingdoms of the Latin West and the imperial precedent and also continuity between Christian culture (popular culture and culture of the Fathers of the Church) and Greco-Roman culture.


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Author Biography

Raúl Villegas, Investigador Ramon y Cajal, Departament de Història Antigua, Universitat de Barcelona

Doctor en Historia por la Universitat de Barcelona (2008), ha realizado estancias de investigación en l’École Pratique des Hautes Études de París y en la Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg. En la actualidad es investigador Ramón y Cajal. Es miembro del Grup de Recerques en Antiguitat Tardana (GRAT), adscrito a la Universitat de Barcelona, y miembro asociado permanente en el extranjero del Laboratoire d’Études sur les Monothéismes (UMR 8584 del CNRS). Es miembro de la Association Internationale d’Études Patristiques (AIEP-IAPS).


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How to Cite

Villegas, R. (2022). Paradigmas historiográficos de la Antigüedad tardía: de Gibbon a la (vieja) New Late Antiquity Historiographical Paradigms of Late Antiquity: from Gibbon to the (Old) New late Antiquity. Araucaria, 24(51).
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