La dimensión cosmopolita de la protección jurídica en Kant. Algunas consecuencias de la “posesión común de la tierra” en la Doctrina del Derecho
Kant, derecho cosmopolita, equidad, beneficencia, vulnerabilidad jurídica, pueblos sin EstadoAbstract
This paper inspects the notion of legal protection unfold in Kant’s cosmopolitan right and thus aims to dissect how it is intertwined with the legal protection which state right furnishes. First, I will break down the approach to equity in Kant’s Doctrine of Right as a normative order that gets the subject acquainted with his debt towards outcast people without drawing to any legal coercion. Second, I will tackle some Kant’s texts claiming the legal respect that non-state people deserve. Kant’s reflection on legal vulnerability in both cases will allow to claim that cosmopolitan legal protection works as a regulative device in Kant’s political right, insofar as it is intended to orientate the conduct of states and citizens when they interact with other subjects dwelling on the Earth. Thus, my account highlights the fact that cosmopolitan right appears deprived of any coercion in Kant’s political philosophy.
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Accepted 2022-06-12
Published 2022-11-17
- Abstract 350
- PDF (Español (España)) 136