El proselitismo del “just society” a través de la da‛wa y el tablīg: la expansión de la revolución iraní en Buenaventura, Colombia (1982-1985)

The Muslim proselytizing of the “just society” through the da‛wa and the tablīg: the spread policy of revolutionary Islam in Buenaventura, Colombia (1982-1985)





islam, šī‛a, inqilāb, Kadijustiz, “renacientes”


The spread policy of revolutionary Islam worked out by the Iranian government is based on two essential religious and political principles in the territorial and administrative expansion of Dār al-Islām: the da‛wa and the tablīg. This political and ideological strategy turns the country into a shuttle for an “Islamist International” that transcends the territorial and administrative divisions between the countries. The analysis of the historical data illustrates how the birth of the only Afro-descendants Twelwer Shi‛i community in the port city of Buenaventura is linked both to this expansive policy and to the legal pluralism of the Republic of Colombian. The sociological and legal application of the Kadijustiz conceptualization allows to conclude that legal pluralism of the Colombian government benefits the spread of the Iranian Revolution, because it obeys partisan interests that seek their legitimation through particular demands, in an alleged general benefit


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Author Biography

María Katjia Torres Calzada, Universidad de Sevilla

Doctora en Filología Árabe (2003). Graduada en Filología Árabe (1995). Miembro del Grupo HUM753 Escritoras y Escrituras. PDI UPO (2009-2017), PDI US (2007-X).


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How to Cite

Torres Calzada, M. K. (2023). El proselitismo del “just society” a través de la da‛wa y el tablīg: la expansión de la revolución iraní en Buenaventura, Colombia (1982-1985): The Muslim proselytizing of the “just society” through the da‛wa and the tablīg: the spread policy of revolutionary Islam in Buenaventura, Colombia (1982-1985). Araucaria, 25(52). https://doi.org/10.12795/araucaria.2023.i52.06



Las ideas. Su política y su historia
Received 2022-01-12
Accepted 2022-02-22
Published 2023-02-09
  • Abstract 432
  • PDF (Español (España)) 79