"Calidad española" Religion and Enlightenment in the Spanish Atlantic





Catholic enlightenment, enlightened Catholicism, interest, self-love, religion, commercial society, sensist epistemology.


The aim of this essay is to analyze the ideas about commercial society among Spanish and Spanish American intellectuals from the second half of the eighteenth century to the first decades of the following century. Special attention is paid to some relevant concepts like “amor propio” or “interés”. We are also specially interested in the knowledge of political economy and its moral implications for the idea of commercial society. My proposal is to consider the possibilities of a Catholic enlightenment as the expression of the combination of some intrinsic principles of the enlightened thought with Catholic confessionalism. This is significant not only for the understanding of the enlightenment in the Spanish World but also for a correct interpretation of the first constitutionalism.



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How to Cite

VIEJO YHARRASSARRY, J. (2022). "Calidad española" Religion and Enlightenment in the Spanish Atlantic. Araucaria, 24(49). https://doi.org/10.12795.22



Monográfico II
Received 2022-01-09
Accepted 2022-01-14
Published 2022-04-20
  • Abstract 658
  • PDF (Español (España)) 126