Legal Effects of Social Resistance to Asylum and Refugee Legislation: The Sanctuary Movement and the Boland Amendment




Movimiento Sanctuary, Centroamérica, Era Reagan, Guerra Fría, Refugiados, Enmienda Boland


The worsening of the Cold War during the Ronald Reagan administration brought with it the Reagan doctrine and US support for the conservative Central American dictatorships, causing a wave of refugees that reached the United States. In the face of the deportations carried out by the administration, a social movement of religious inspiration, but not confessional, called Sanctuary, with important legal and political consequences was produced.


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How to Cite

Martínez Peñas, L. (2021). Legal Effects of Social Resistance to Asylum and Refugee Legislation: The Sanctuary Movement and the Boland Amendment. Araucaria, 23(48).
Received 2021-07-20
Accepted 2021-07-24
Published 2021-11-27
  • Abstract 1224
  • PDF (Español (España)) 103