La autenticidad en el turismo: concepción y dificultades de un ideal




autenticidad, turismo, homo viator, pseudo-hechos, hipermodernidad


In this article we do three things. First we present the tourist ideal of authenticity. Second, we wonder how the ideal as such originated - what sources or ideas fueled it. Finally, thirdly, we ask ourselves if the tourist ideal of authenticity is a viable, plausible, feasible ideal. In this regard, we highlight two sets of difficulties. We call the former intrinsic, because they affect the very idea of authenticity. We call the latter extrinsic, because they have to do not so much with the very concept of authenticity as with the economic or social conditions or circumstances in which tourism displays the ideal of authenticity.


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How to Cite

Vergés Gifra, J. (2022). La autenticidad en el turismo: concepción y dificultades de un ideal. Araucaria, 24(51).



Las ideas. Su política y su historia
Received 2021-04-15
Accepted 2021-12-20
Published 2022-11-17
  • Abstract 374
  • PDF (Español (España)) 200