Restrictions on the Free Movement of Persons in the EU During the COVID-19 Era: Towards an Uncertain Future


  • Magdalena M. Martín Universidad de Málaga (España)


COVID-19, Free Movement of People-Border Control, Restrictions, Lifting, Conference on the Future of the EU


This study analyzes the impact that the COVID-19 has had on the free movement of people and the control of both internal and external borders in the EU, at a particularly delicate time, coinciding with the opening of the Conference on the future of the EU. The hypothesis is that the legal framework of free movement both in International Law and in European Law is not suitable to adopt the restrictions that the fight against the pandemic requires. This fact, in addition that public health and the preservation of national security are the competences of the Members States, have altered the essence and limits of a key right for the present and the future of the process of European integration. Therefore, the normative heritage developed by the EU in this matter must be preserve against these and other restrictive drifts, avoiding taking its irreversibility for granted.


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How to Cite

M. Martín, M. (2020). Restrictions on the Free Movement of Persons in the EU During the COVID-19 Era: Towards an Uncertain Future. Araucaria, 22(45). Retrieved from
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