South-South Cooperation: A Taxonomy of China’s Aid to Latin America and the Caribbean
South-South Cooperation, Chinese Cooperation, Bilateral Aid, Latin AmericaAbstract
The present study analyses the typology and structure of Chinese Aid to Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), considering the features of this kind of South-South Cooperation within the context of China’s aid policy and strategic aims in this region. The results of the study reveal the different patterns in the structure of Chinese aid to the LAC sub-regions. These patterns indicate that the most significant funds are focused on development and commercial projects in South America; that grants prevail in the case of the Caribbean; and representational aid, which does not need major resources, is associated with Central America. As Wan (2018) states, this shows that China’s aid has a strategic role at a global level.
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Accepted 2021-04-13
Published 2022-04-20
- Abstract 832
- PDF 157