Rousseau and Kant on the Problem Regarding the Binding Character of the Norms of International Right


  • Ileana Beade Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina)



Paz, Derecho internacional, Coerción, Confederación


In their respective projects to consolidate the institutions of International Right, Rousseau and Kant address the issue concerning the binding character of international juridical norms. While Rousseau states that it is necessary to constitute a coercive supranational power, authorized to force the European States to enter the International confederation, to compel them to remain in it and to enforce international laws, Kant considers that such a power would threaten the sovereignty of the States, and leans towards a confederation of free States, not subordinated to a common coercive power. In this paper I analyze the premises which underlie each of these approaches and that might help to understand the different positions assumed by Rousseau and Kant regarding the problem of the juridical regulation of international relations. 


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How to Cite

Beade, I. (2021). Rousseau and Kant on the Problem Regarding the Binding Character of the Norms of International Right. Araucaria, 23(48).
Received 2020-05-15
Accepted 2021-07-24
Published 2021-11-27
  • Abstract 1478
  • PDF (Español (España)) 153