“Salvation” and “Tragedy” about the Binomial Nature/Culture in the Thought of José Ortega y Gasset


  • Alejandro De Haro Honrubia UNIVERSIDAD DE CASTILLA-LA MANCHA Y UNED https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1936-3920
  • Francesco Trotta Universidad de Roma La Sapienza




salvación, tragedia, naturaleza, cultura, Ortega.


This paper deals with the dialectic “nature/culture” in the thought of José Ortega y Gasset and related to the ideas of salvation and tragedy. 

Justify the elaboration of his article in the fact that this topic has not been studied in-depth through the complete works of the philosopher of the vital reason. The results/conclusions are the following ones: In a first period, it stands out the primate of culture in Ortega´s thought, who considers the last one as saviour and also as something antagonistic in relation to the more instinctive and irrational nature of the individual human being as a member of humanity. We can say that submission to natural inclinations, that symbolize our barbarous, irrational and savage side, appears in Ortega’s early writings as a form of tragedy or “radical evil” (in terms of Kant); on the other hand, in his latter thought those ones will be interpreted by Ortega not in negative terms, but as something in continuity with culture, which can became a form of tragedy. 


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Author Biographies


Profesor Contratado Doctor Permanente de Antropología en la UCLM (Acreditado desde 2013 al Cuerpo de Profesores Titulares de Universidad). Profesor-tutor de Ética II (Grado de Filosofía) de la UNED en el Centro Asociado de Albacete.

Francesco Trotta, Universidad de Roma La Sapienza

Doctorando de Filosofía en la Universidad de Roma La Sapienza


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How to Cite

De Haro Honrubia, A., & Trotta, F. (2021). “Salvation” and “Tragedy” about the Binomial Nature/Culture in the Thought of José Ortega y Gasset. Araucaria, 23(48). https://doi.org/10.12795/araucaria.2021.i48.27
Received 2020-02-21
Accepted 2021-07-15
Published 2021-11-27
  • Abstract 1384
  • PDF (Español (España)) 189