Digital government and the handling of sensitive data in the execution of public policies: challenges and possibilities

Gobierno digital y el manejo de datos sensibles en la ejecución de políticas públicas: desafíos y posibilidades


  • Júlia Oselame Graf UNISC
  • Caroline Muller Bitencourt UNISC


Palabras clave:

Digital Government, Public Policies, Data Protection, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence


The research aims to investigate the characteristics and risks associated with the handling of sensitive data in the implementation of public policies within the digital government model. To achieve this, a hypothetical-deductive method and bibliographic and documentary procedures are employed, proposing an interdisciplinary discussion on technological advancement, data protection, transparency, and public policies. The justification revolves around the importance of a comprehensive, cohesive system that genuinely protects sensitive personal data, considering the need to keep pace with technological developments and maintain a minimum level of security in the digital age at both national and international levels. There is no doubt that the judicious and strategic use of data has the potential to drive substantial improvements in policy evaluation, decision-making, and the relationship between government and citizens. However, dealing with personal data also means addressing risks with responsibility, transparency, and respect for individual rights.


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Biografía del autor/a

Júlia Oselame Graf, UNISC

PhD student in Law at the University of Santa Cruz do Sul - UNISC. Scholarship from PROSUC/CAPES Modality II. Degree student in Digital Marketing and Data Science at the Centro Universitário FAM. Master’s degree in Law and Social Justice from the Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG. Undergraduate studies in Law at the Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG, including a sandwich period at the Faculty of Law at the University of Porto in Portugal. Postgraduate qualifications in Social Security Law, Civil Procedure, and Medical and Health Law. Lawyer. E-mail:

Caroline Muller Bitencourt, UNISC

PhD in Law. University of Santa Cruz do Sul, Santa Cruz do Sul, Brazil. E-mail:, ORCID:


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Cómo citar

Oselame Graf, J., & Muller Bitencourt, C. (2024). Digital government and the handling of sensitive data in the execution of public policies: challenges and possibilities: Gobierno digital y el manejo de datos sensibles en la ejecución de políticas públicas: desafíos y posibilidades. Araucaria, 26(56).
Recibido 2023-10-28
Aceptado 2024-04-11
Publicado 2024-06-12
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