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Estados Unidos
Tráfico marítimo
Rutas comerciales
Península ibérica
siglos XVIII-XIX United States
Shipping trade
Trade routes
Iberian Peninsula
XVIII-XIX centuries

How to Cite

Carrasco González, G. . (2023). SHIPPING TRADE BETWEEN THE UNITES STATES AND SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. 1790-1812. Temas Americanistas, (51), 131–161.
  • Abstract 90
  • DESCARGA PDF (Español (España)) 74


This article focuses on the subject of commercial maritime traffic between the American ports of the Philadelphia district and those of New England with Spain and Portugal in the last decade of the 18th century and in the first decade of the 19th century. The main documentary base is made up of the entry and exit records of US Custom Houses along with numerous correspondence from US merchants.
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