Necessity is the supreme law. Merchant capital in the Río de la Plata: from commercial monopoly to industrial monopoly (1770-1825)
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Historia Americana Colonial
Comercio Colonial
Monopolio Comercial
Rio de la Plata Colonial American History
Colonial Trade
Trade Monopoly
Rio de la Plata

How to Cite

Nóblega, M. de los A. (2022). Necessity is the supreme law. Merchant capital in the Río de la Plata: from commercial monopoly to industrial monopoly (1770-1825): Merchant capital in the Río de la Plata: from commercial monopoly to industrial monopoly (1770-1825). Temas Americanistas, (48), 516–519.
  • Abstract 128
  • DESCARGA PDF (Español (España)) 190


This is a book of great conceptual content, demonstrating extensive research and exhaustive analysis, typical of a specialist in the history of commerce and traders in the Río de la Plata in the 18th to 19th centuries, as is the author. The result is a profound and well-balanced study of erudition, without entering into contradictions.
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SCHLEZ, Mariano, La necesidad es ley suprema. El capital mercantil en el Río de la Plata: del monopolio comercial al industrial (1770-1825). Castellón de la Plana, Universidad Jaume I, 2021. 310p.


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