“Não sem (o) norte”: a Amazônia colonial na recente seara historiográfica (1990-2020)
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Amazônia, indígenas, mobilidade Português

How to Cite

Karl Heinz Arenz. (2021). “Não sem (o) norte”: a Amazônia colonial na recente seara historiográfica (1990-2020). Temas Americanistas, 1(47), 21–43. https://doi.org/10.12795/Temas-Americanistas.2021.i47.03
  • Abstract 305
  • DESCARGA PDF (Español (España)) 373


The State of Maranhão and Grão-Pará composed, from 1621 to 1772, together with the State of Brazil, Portuguese America. Long-time seen as a peripheral and precarious colony, recent historiography pays attention to the specificities of the region’s historical formation, as a strategic frontier with diverse population groups in intense interaction and mobility, with emphasis on the knowledge and agency of the indigenous peoples.

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