La frontera "de arriba" chilena y el camino de Chiloé a Valdivia, 1786-1788
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Urbina Carrasco , M. X. . (2020). La frontera "de arriba" chilena y el camino de Chiloé a Valdivia, 1786-1788. Temas Americanistas, (18).
  • Abstract 125
  • PDF (Español (España)) 141


Between Valdivia towards the north and Chiloé toward the south, -their head towns were 275 kms. apart- ran the huilliche frontier in southern Chile. The intendant of Chiloé, Francisco Hurtado, tried a military occupation, whereas the governor of Valdivia, Mariano Pusterla, put his hope in a peaceful assimilation of the Indians by the missionaries.
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