Guidelines for authors

Publication norms

RiHC. Revista internacional de Historia de la Comunicación will publish works written in the official languages spoken in Spain and Latin America, in addition to English, that are considered suitable for the focus, scope and criteria of the journal. Suitability will be assessed on the grounds of the quality and breadth of the research, the coherence of the presentation, the correct use of methodology, the relevance of the scientific contribution, the novelty of the proposals and the appropriateness of the sources. Clarity in the presentation and writing is also valued. The journal may include works of a theoretical or methodological nature, subject to the same assessment criteria and with the agreement of the Editorial Board. Given the very nature of Communication, the field of research covered by the journal includes the history of the present time, and it will be the role of the evaluators and the Editorial Board to assess those cases that raise doubts.

The journal does not cover the activities of the Association or its members, which are made public on the website: Neither does it accept papers that have been submitted to another publication, either previously or simultaneously. In the case of authors who have already published in the journal, they will have to wait 2 years (4 issues) before publishing with RiHC again.



The proposed articles will have an extension between 6000 and 9000 words, including notes and references. Authors who have already published in the journal will have to wait 4 issues to do so again.

Articles will follow the formula (IMRD: Introduction + Methodology + Results + Discussion):

-Introduction. The author will present the research and work. This may include a state of the question about the topic of study, or the theoretical framework may be developed under a separate heading. The introduction may also mention the objectives and hypotheses of the article, although these will be developed in a subsequent section.

-Methodology. The chosen method applied for the purpose of the objectives of the research should be outlined and explained. In the case of an original methodological framework, it should be presented in detail. The aim of this is that the methodology may ensure solid results for verification and discussion.

-Results. This is intelligible and easy to visualise aseptic presentation of the results obtained by the research.

-Discussion. The interpretation of the previously presented results will be developed in this section. Results and discussion may be merged into a single two-fold section with a clear distinction between the two headings.

-Conclusions. The conclusions will stem from the conjunction between the theoretical framework, the objectives and the working hypotheses, and the results and discussion. In this section, the contribution of the research will be underlined.

-Bibliography. The bibliography will include all of the references cited throughout article. There are no limits, but rigour and quality are required. The limit of self-citations is 20% of the total bibliography.

This structure is put forward as an orientation as to the way to build an article, but it may be adapted to the needs of the authors, in accord with the subject and the approach.

  • Article template

The author(s) must provide, at the same time they submit the article, the following signed statement declaring the originality of the document.

  • Author statement



The texts of the “Reviews” section, written by members of the Association or invited collaborators of recognised scientific reputation, will address all kinds of new developments in the field of the History of Communication in contributions between 1000 and 2500 words. The texts must be approved by the journal's Editorial Board.

For reviews, the recommended structure is:

-Initial summary: The work under review will be presented with a thematic summary of the book and the author.

-Development: The methodology, the structure of the book, the bibliographic references, the objectives and the target audience will be noted, among other formal aspects. The main points of interest of the book will be highlighted.

-Assessment: Although this may already have been touched upon in previous sections, it is here where the reviewer must make an assessment of the book. Strong and weak points of the work may be highlighted and analysed. This section will also provide information of interest to the potential readers of the book.

-Conclusion: The review will be rounded off with a summary of the most noteworthy aspects of the above sections.

Again, this proposed structure is for guidance only and may be adapted to the author's discretion depending on the specific review to be carried out.

  • Review template


Thematic dossiers

The dossiers will be coordinated by one or two researchers (from different universities) and will consist of a minimum of 6 articles (with a maximum of 9000 words, including notes and references, each). The thematic dossier proposal must include:

  • A short CV of the coordinator(s)
  • A brief presentation of the title and theme (300 words)
  • A list of contributors, who must be affiliated to different universities
  • A summary of the content of the articles (200 words)
  • An image free of copyright for the cover of the issue.

Once the proposal is accepted, a planned date of publication will be set, as well as a deadline for the submission of articles in accord with the established time-frames for the external evaluation of the contributions.

It is the responsibility of the coordinator(s):

  • To provide the contributors with the journal’s Guidelines for authors and to ensure that these are followed.
  • To write an introduction to the dossier (2000-2500 words) as well as to submit their own article.
  • To check that the original submissions are suited to the aims of the dossier before they are sent by the authors to the journal. Only with the consent of the coordinator(s) may the contributor submit his or her work to the OJS platform.
  • To suggest two evaluators for each contribution.


Evaluation process

All of the works submitted for publication will be reviewed and evaluated by two experts. These may be members of the Association or not, but in no case will they belong to the same University or research centre as the author(s) of the work under review. An anonymous reading system will be implemented, so that the participants will not know each other's identity. The experts will be provided with the journal’s evaluation sheet and will consider whether or not the work is publishable and, in the first case, whether modifications are required or advisable. In the event of a contradictory opinion between the reviewers, a third evaluator will be contacted. In the case of submissions that are rejected or subject to revision, the author will receive a detailed explanatory note. The evaluation period will not exceed 6 months.



  1. The original manuscripts will be submitted to the journal on-line. Apart from the text, each author will provide his/her personal and contact information: name and surname(s); in the case of several authors, at least one postal and email address; and professional and/or institutional affiliations. The text, in 12 point font size, must include a title -if necessary with a subtitle; an abstract at least in Spanish and English, not exceeding 12 lines; a maximum of 5 key words in the same languages; a section on methodology and state of the art; clear conclusions and the list of references cited, the location of which must always be explicit.
  2. The recommended page margin is 3 cm on all sides. Direct quotations of more than 5 lines in length will be placed in a distinct paragraph, without quotation marks and with an additional 1 cm indentation to the left. Quotations in the text will be surrounded by double quotations marks (” ” or « »).
  3. Purely bibliographic footnotes should be avoided. References in the text will follow the Harvard system of author, year and page numbers in brackets, e.g. (Habermas, 1968: 222-225). The reference style will be homogeneous throughout the text. Capital lettering will be limited to the first letter and initials of names. Self-citation will be avoided as much as possible. Anonymous articles from newspapers and similar formats will be cited as: “Article title”, Name of the newspaper, day-month-year, page numbers.
  4. The title and main headings will be in bold, but its use in the rest of the text will be avoided. Headings and subheadings will be numbered, without indentation.

1 First level heading
1.1 Second level heading
1.1.1 Third level heading Fourth level heading

  1. Articles may include tables, graphs or images -it is recommended not to exceed six figures in total-, necessary for the understanding of the text. For the reproduction of images that are less than 70 years old, by European law the author must have obtained the required authorisation. The authors are responsible for the authorizations and are liable for the misappropriation of materials. The figures will be numbered consecutively in the captions below the figure, always with clear references and explanatory texts. Annexes or other relevant documents may be presented, but it will be up to the evaluators to include them or not.
  2. The titles of the works - books, films, series - mentioned in the text must be in cursive, while the titles of the articles must be between quotation marks without cursive.
  3. The references will use the following formats:
  4. a) Internet sources: the complete URL and date on which it was viewed.
  5. b) Book reviews must include, immediately after the title of the review itself, the complete information of the publication under review: the name(s) of the author(s), title (in cursive), place of publication, publisher, year of publication, number of pages. Reviews will be limited to recent publications, not more than 24 months after their release.
  6. c) Manuscripts will be submitted ready for editing. Revista Internacional de Historia de la Comunicación does not take any responsibility for possible errors or typos not detected by the evaluators, nor for the opinions expressed by the authors.

The non-compliance with these guidelines is sufficient cause for the rejection of the submission.

  1. RiHC. Revista internacional de Historia de la Comunicaciónwill not charge any fee for the presentation and publication of articles.


Check list for submission

Before submitting your article, please make sure that it complies with all of the following requirements:

  1. The manuscript has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).
  2. The format of the file is Microsoft Word.
  3. When available, shortened URLs or DOIs are provided for the references.
  4. The text meets the style and format requirements set out in the Guidelines for authors.
  5. Instructions have been followed in order to preserve the anonymity of the authors. See instructions in How to ensure an anonymous evaluation
  6. The article presents original work. See the journal’s conditions of Intelectual Property.