Maguén-Escudo magazine. Emotional repository of jewish community of Venezuela and the Sephardic diaspora
Maguén-Escudo, Sephardic diaspora, history of emotions, Jewish periodicals, VenezuelaAbstract
Migrations and their diasporas around the world find a source in the media to chronicle their nature and historical development. In the case of the Venezuelan Jewish community, the magazine Maguén-Escudo, created in 1970 and whose website contains all its historical production, constitutes the main repository and dissemination organ of Jewish culture in the country. In it, emotions, feelings and sensibilities navigate in unison through chronicles, articles, reviews and essays. Discovering the emotional plots - tacit and explicit - within their texts allows us to study the history of migration from another perspective. Starting from the theoretical reflections of Barbara Rosenwein and Margrit Pernau, we study the magazine Maguén-Escudo as a source to investigate the emotions that contain the meanings of its own history for the Sephardic diaspora inside and outside Venezuela.
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Accepted 2024-06-01
Published 2024-06-28
- Abstract 178
- PDF (Español (España)) 74