Radio Luxembourg and Europe n°1 in the 60s: transnational and intermedial actors by excellence




Radio Luxembourg, Europe n°1, Transnational history, Intermediality, Commercial radios


Commercial radio stations, like Radio Luxembourg and Europe n°1, were highly popular media in Western Europe in the 1960s, which notably broadcasted in French, English, and German. However, their study has not received as much attention as their public counterpart. Following a trend pushing to bring them back into the centre of attention, this contribution reveals the rich potential of commercial radio stations for historical literature and radio studies and acts as a plea to further their study. As commercial entities, these radio stations do not have to share their archives, which are often in multiple sites and languages, making their study difficult. Despite these challenges, writing their history offers many opportunities for radio scholars. First, commercial stations are based in peripheral regions of large markets such as France, in order to avoid State monopoly on broadcasting, making them key transnational actors. They are not only ideal subjects to conduct radio history across borders; they are also particularly relevant when it comes to cross-media studies. Indeed, stations like Radio Luxembourg and Europe n°1 strongly relied on other media to support their overall commercial venture. Therefore, this contribution will study the potential of such stations to enrich radio history by including perspectives from transnational and transmedial lenses.


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How to Cite

Legay, R. (2023). Radio Luxembourg and Europe n°1 in the 60s: transnational and intermedial actors by excellence. RIHC. Revista Internacional De Historia De La Comunicación, (21), 75–89.
Received 2023-09-24
Accepted 2023-11-25
Published 2023-12-21
  • Abstract 125
  • PDF (Español (España)) 60