A space of fantasy. Radio advertising in Radio Madrid's women broadcasts (1939-1959)





Radio, francoist dictatorship, advertising, women history, gender history


Franco’s victory in the armed conflict instigated Spanish businessmen to cement the union between advertising and nationalism in order to show their affection for the regime in the difficult post-war period. In such a way that the latter became one more part of the political framework of the dictatorship. In this sense, the brands that financed Radio Madrid’s programmes, in particular the women’s broadcasts, did not simply establish a material relationship with the audience but built a discursive gear aimed at reinforcing the normative model of Franco’s dictatorship femininity. Thus, advertising, which made use of the communicative effectiveness of radio, engendered a set of symbols, beliefs, assumptions, representations and habits to create a functionalist fantasy. This became a gendered technology that sought to guide the consumerist patterns of Spanish women and thereby connect their social practices with the political and ideological logics of the regime. In order to delve deeper into these functions, we will take as a primary source the radio scripts of Radio Madrid’s women’s broadcasts.


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How to Cite

Blanco Fajardo, S. (2023). A space of fantasy. Radio advertising in Radio Madrid’s women broadcasts (1939-1959). RIHC. Revista Internacional De Historia De La Comunicación, (21), 40–57. https://doi.org/10.12795/RIHC.2023.i21.03
Received 2023-09-18
Accepted 2023-10-28
Published 2023-12-21