Augusto Cabrita's photography: contributions to Portuguese photojournalism
Communication, Augusto Cabrita, Photojournalism, PortugalAbstract
Augusto Cabrita is considered one of the main names of Portuguese photojournalism in the 20th century. His style marks a period in which photography, and especially photojournalism, gained new approaches, more focused on the human within photography. Cabrita went beyond and explored light like few others, creating unique images through contrasts, shadows, and geometric compositions. The photographer is recognized for his work in television and cinema, however, studies on his contributions to Portuguese photojournalism are still scarce and fragmented. This article intends to gather, based on bibliographic and documental research and testimonials from names of Portuguese photography that lived with the photographer, singular aspects of Augusto Cabrita's personality and work that contributed to the development of photojournalism in Portugal. It also intends to analyze some of his photographs from the theories of photojournalistic image analysis, in order to identify the main characteristics that Cabrita printed to his work and that mark an epoch in the Portuguese photojournalism. The research concludes that Augusto Cabrita's contributions present an innovative visual language and mark a paradigm shift in journalistic photography in Portugal.
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