Bullfighting information in the Barcelona press (1850-2010)


  • Josep Guixà Cerdà Union of Journalists of Catalonia




Bullfights, Press, Catalanism, Anti-bullfighting, Barcelona, La Vanguardia


The great implantation of bullfighting spectacles in Barcelona, where there were even three bullrings at the same time, forced the local press to take a position on the so-called "national festival". In general, Spanish-language newspapers regularly published bullfighting chronicles, although there were also exceptions such as "La Vanguardia" between 1900 and 1939. The author outlines a reading guide of the main headers and firms that dealt with bullfighting. On the other hand, the Catalan press, ascribed to political Catalanism, abstained from reporting on the celebrations that took place in Barcelona, except to criticize bullfighting, an aspect in which some satirical weeklies stood out. In spite of the existing symbiosis between anti-bullfighting and Catalan nationalism, the author concludes that the editorial line of the press regarding bullfights obeyed to identity issues.


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Author Biography

Josep Guixà Cerdà, Union of Journalists of Catalonia



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How to Cite

Guixà Cerdà, J. (2021). Bullfighting information in the Barcelona press (1850-2010). RIHC. Revista Internacional De Historia De La Comunicación, (16), 350–377. https://doi.org/10.12795/RiCH.2021.i16.16
  • Abstract 241
  • pdf (Español (España)) 431