Politics, Power and Gender in the European television series Borgen (Denmark) and Le Baron Noir (France)


  • Isabel Cunha University of Coimbra




Serie, Political fiction, Politics and gender, Borgen, Le Baron Noir


In this paper, we analyse how Politics, Power and Gender are represented in the European television series Borgen (Denmark) and Le Baron Noir (France).  Borgen was shown between 2020 and 2013 and its main protagonist, Birgitte Nyborg, is a candidate for a small political party that later becomes Danish Prime Minister. Le Baron Noir is a French series (2016-2020) whose main protagonists are Philipe Rickwaert and Amélie Dorendeu, prominent militants of the French socialist party and candidates for the presidency. The two fictions focus on media coverage and the professionalization of politics; the complexity of decision-making; the contradictions between realpolitik and morals, as well as the personal challenges facing political actors, namely women. The aim of the article is to identify similarities and differences between the two series in the fictional and political aspects considered gender-based aspects of the exercise of power. To contextualize the analysis, the study traces a brief history of television fiction shown in Portugal, with an emphasis on politics and gender issues. The methodology used is essayistic and is based on the trajectories of the female protagonists, from pre-defined categories, based on principals of the narratology theory.




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How to Cite

Cunha, I. (2021). Politics, Power and Gender in the European television series Borgen (Denmark) and Le Baron Noir (France). RIHC. Revista Internacional De Historia De La Comunicación, (16), 250–275. https://doi.org/10.12795/RiCH.2021.i16.12
Received 2021-04-08
Accepted 2021-06-10
Published 2021-06-27
  • Abstract 225
  • pdf (Español (España)) 109