Into the nineties. State feminism and the representation of working-class women in tve fictions


  • Javier Jurado University of Lille



Socio-liberalism, Working-class women, Public broadcasting, Social bias


In this article I will explore the representation of women according to their social status in television series shown during the period 1989-1993 on Spanish public television (TVE). While there are a significant number of young active women occupying key roles in series made during this period – a move influenced by the Equal Opportunity Plan for Women (PIOM) from the ruling Socialist Party and the Women's Institute – their characterisation and narrative function remain heavily attached to a patriarchal view of women. Furthermore, working-class women are systematically under-represented and/or undervalued through sexist jokes, verbal violence and mockery towards housewives.


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How to Cite

Jurado, J. (2021). Into the nineties. State feminism and the representation of working-class women in tve fictions. RIHC. Revista Internacional De Historia De La Comunicación, (16), 204–224.
Received 2021-04-01
Accepted 2021-06-10
Published 2021-06-27
  • Abstract 245
  • pdf (Español (España)) 102