Breaking the mold: María Luz Morales and the female chronicle
María Luz Morales, Journalism, Literature, Forerunner, Female chronicleAbstract
María Luz Morales belongs to a generation of journalists and writers recently discovered by researchers. A forerunner of cultural journalism, her prolific work makes her a benchmark in the history of journalism. The purpose of this work is to compile the chronicles entitled «Talks» published in the section «The Woman, the Child and the Home» of El Sol, in addition, to studying her contribution to the modernization of women through culture. Issues of El Sol between 1926 and 1931 in the Digital Newspaper Library of the National Library were consulted, the scientific literature was reviewed and the texts according to the methodology of Van Dijk (1996) were analyzed.
The analysis reveals that while the topics coincide with the usual contents of women's magazines, they nevertheless differ in focus. The thematic axis of the chronicles revolves around literature written by women, children's literature, reading, theater and fashion.
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