Get to know Spain or its new image: context and reception of a TV campaign for the domestic tourist boom
TVE, Ministry of Information and Tourism, domestic tourism, Televisión historyAbstract
Documentaries took a prominent place in the growth of TVE’s own-production content in the 1960s. Conozca usted España was a reference series in this field, in which popularization and tourist fascination went hand in hand around the ideas of the then Minister of Information and Tourism, Manuel Fraga Iribarne. It will be argued that the news this program introduced in the medium should be read in the context of a media network, characterized by certain practices and ideological preferences. The aims were to renew the image of the country by appealing to its diversity and to encourage Spaniards to travel.
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Accepted 2021-05-04
Published 2021-06-27
- Abstract 274
- pdf (Español (España)) 151