Mediations of francoist violence in the XXI century Spanish movies
Cine español, violencia, franquismo, mediacionesAbstract
From Butterfly’s Tongue (1999) to While at War (2019), a growing number of cinematographic fictions and documentaries depicted Franco's repression in a context of recovery of historical memory. Thus, at least forty movies from this beginning of the century allude to the maquis, prisoners and victims as a whole to denounce the violence of the dictatorship in the media. The cinema mediates memory in the public scene and tries to modify, through a plural construction, the reception of this repressive period in the collective memory. We propose to explore the evolution of the message about Franco's violence in the cinema of these last two decades, with a typology of the victims, the representations of repression and the ideological narratives that are faced in them: through cinematographic techniques and characters, as well as the use and alteration of the symbols of this violence, which place it in a moving reception area.
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- 2021-01-12 (3)
- 2021-01-12 (2)
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Accepted 2020-11-22
Published 2021-01-12
- Abstract 384