
  • Juan Carlos Gómez García Universidad de Barcelona


Existential Psychoanalysis is one of the most constructive critics based on empirical psychoanalysis which attempts to open up new paths as an alternative, renovation and model of psychoanalytical therapy. An ontic-ontological foundation has been discovered from which it can be described in 3 different concrete states: for someone, in someone or for someone else, to be able to see that our relationships with others are those which cause psychic unbalance. Our psychoanalysis overcomes empirical psychoanalysis in rejection to postulate from the unconscious and in the election which renounces to suppose a mechanical action from the medium on the subject considered to abandon the symbology used until then. Existential psychoanalysis should be completely flexible and changeable to the minor changes which can be observed in the subject, now that it is a case of discovering an election not a state. Due to the fact that the psychoanalysis has as objective to discover an election, it should always have present that its objective is not something united in the darkness of the unconscious, but more of a conscious and free determination. Lastly, the proposition is a psychoanalytical therapy now that the person is a constant projection in the world, the existential method, which is oriented from the beginning towards an understanding of the being and another objective should not be assigned other than find ways of being and the way of being against that being.


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How to Cite

Gómez García, J. C. (2021). EXISTENTIAL PSYCHOANALYSIS. International Journal on Philosophical Practice HASER, (4), 29–50. Retrieved from https://revistascientificas.us.es/index.php/HASER/article/view/15106



Estudios - Articles
  • Abstract 145
  • PDF (Español (España)) 76