“No Time for Love”: Radical Basque Nationalist-Irish Republican Relations and the Emergence of a Shared Political Culture (1981–98)




Parole chiave:

Basque-Irish Relations, Basque Nationalism, Irish Republicanism, Transnationalism


Following the deaths of ten Irish republican hunger strikers in 1981, radical Basque nationalists and Irish republicans of the Basque izquierda abertzale and Irish republican movement respectively, began to develop ever closer ties of transnational “solidarity”. In addition to the relationship between Herri Batasuna and Sinn Féin, more ad hoc organisational links in areas such as youth, prisoner, and language advocacy, fostered a shared political culture at the intersection of both movements, which was periodically reflected through the prism of cultural expression (e.g., music, political art [murals], literature, audiovisual media). Utilising a wide array of primary sources, this article explores and analyses, for the first time, the emergence and development of this transnational nexus, from the hunger strikes of 1981 to the signing of the Good Friday Agreement in 1998. 



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Riferimenti bibliografici

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For Benedict Anderson, the nation is essentially an “imagined political community”. Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities (revised ed.), London, Verso, 2006, p. 6.

https://www.bobbysandstrust.com/multimedia/songs-lyrics/#7 (02.08.2021).

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https://app.congreso.es/consti/elecciones/generales/resultados.jsp?fecha=01/03/1979 (01.08.2021); Gaizka Fernández Soldevilla, “¿Al Borde del Abismo? La Violencia Política (y sus Víctimas) durante la Transición” [in Gaizka Fernández Soldevilla, María Jiménez Ramos (coords.), 1980. El Terrorismo Contra La Transición, Madrid, Tecnos, 2020], pp. 19–48 (specifically p. 26).

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SF’s “kitchen cabinet” is a term used by commentators regarding Gerry Adams’ close allies and associates since the late 1970s. See: Brian Feeney, Sinn Féin. A Hundred Turbulent Years, Dublin, O’Brien Press, 2002, p. 383. On SF’s international relations from this period, see: Martyn Frampton, “‘Squaring the circle’: the foreign policy of Sinn Féin, 1983–1989”, Irish Political Studies, vol. 19, 2, 2004, pp. 43–63; Adrian Guelke, “The Peace Process in South Africa, Israel and Northern Ireland: A Farewell to Arms?”, Irish Studies in International Affairs, vol. 5, 1994, pp. 93–106.

Author interview with Joseba Álvarez (2017); Author interview with Alexander Ugalde Zubiri (2017); Florencio Domínguez Iribarren, Josu Ternera: Una Vida En ETA, Madrid, La Esfera de los libros, 2006, p. 90.

AP/RN, 15.03.1984; PHEH, 16–23.03.1984.

PHEH, 16–23.03.1984.

PHEH, 23–30.11.1984; AP/RN, 20.12.1984.

AP/RN, 08.11.1984.

https://www.ark.ac.uk/elections/gallsum.htm#lg (04.08.2021); Henry Patterson, The Politics of Illusion. A Political History of the IRA (2nd ed.), London, Serif, 1997, pp. 196–8. The Anglo-Irish Agreement of 1985 gave the Irish State a consultative role in Northern Irish affairs. It also aimed to increase cross-border cooperation in legal, judicial and security matters.

http://erria.eus/elkarrizketak/an-cara-eireannach-el-amigo-irlandes-de-losas-vascosas (11.08.21); Author interview with Pat Rice (2017).

AP/RN, 09.01.1986.

PHEH, 04-11.11.1983; PHEH, 27.04-04.05.1984; PHEH, 19.10.1984. I am grateful to AF for translating the lyrics of Tatxer.

AP/RN, 03.07.1986.

Herri Batasuna, Herri Batasuna. 20 años de lucha por la libertad, p. 407.

Author interview with Pat Rice (2017).

AP/RN, 13.08.1987.

Jesús Casquete, En el nombre de Euskal Herria. La religión política del nacionalismo vasco radical, Madrid, Tecnos, 2009, p. 65.

Imanol Murua, Ending ETA’s Armed Campaign. How and why the Basque armed group abandoned violence, London and New York, Routledge, 2017, p. 25.

Mao Tse-tung, On Guerrilla Warfare, New York, Dover Publications, 2005, p. 93; Agnès Maillot, New Sinn Féin: Irish Republicanism in the Twenty-first Century, London and New York, Routledge, 2005, pp. 74–6.

PHEH, December 1986 Cuaderno. See also: PHEH, 01–08.10.1987; PHEH, 19–26.11.1987; PHEH, 03–10.03.1988.

AP/RN, 18.08.1988; Author interview with Irish source.

Author interview with Basque source. Further research is needed to verify this claim.

Author interview with Pernando Barrena (2017). Italics by author for emphasis.

https://www.cancioneros.com/letras/cancion/1742029/no-time-for-love-hertzainak (05.08.21).

Author interview with José María “Txema” Montero (2016); Azkatzen, No. 12, November 1990.

Murua, Ending ETA’s Armed Campaign, p. 164.

AP/RN, 05.11.1987.

Moloney, A Secret History of the IRA (2nd ed.), pp. 340–2.

Irish Times, 19.03.2018.

Moloney, A Secret History of the IRA (2nd ed.), pp. 261–86, p. 406, pp. 677–9.

https://cain.ulster.ac.uk/events/peace/pp8893.htm (05.08.2021).

PHEH, 30.11–14.12.1989.

AP/RN, 08.02.1990; AP/RN, 10.05.1990.

The Independent, 13.10.1993.

Niall Cullen, Gora Rebeldiak! A History of Radical Basque Nationalist-Irish Republican Relations [forthcoming].

AP/RN, 19.05.1994.

AP/RN, 09.06.1994.

“Declaración conjunta de las mesas nacionales del Sinn Féin y de Herri Batasuna”, 21 October 1994, Elkarri, Lazkaoko Beneditarren Fundazioa.

AP/RN, 21.06.1990; AP/RN, 06.12.90; The Captive Voice/An Glór Gafa. Winter 1990.

Author interview with Bairbre de Brún (2016); AP/RN, 3 October 1991.

Author interview with Pernando Barrena (2017).

AP/RN, 01.08.1991; Azkatzen, December 1991; AP/RN, 08.08.1991; AP/RN, 15.08.1991.

Author interview with various Basque sources; Author interview with Irish source.

AP/RN, 27.02.1992; AP/RN, 19.03.1992; AP/RN, 09.04.1992; AP/RN, 11.06.1992.

AP/RN, 13.08.1992.

AP/RN, 27.08.1992.

AP/RN, 10.08.1995.

AP/RN, 26.10.1995.

Author interview with Eoin Ó Broin (2015).

Author interview with Josetxo Otegi Arrugaeta (2016).

Author interview with Eoin Ó Broin (2015).

AP/RN, 28.03.1996.

“Sinn Féin Youth. 1st National Congress. Annual Report”, 17 October 1998, PH1607, Linenhall Library (LL).

Author interview with Eoin Ó Broin (2015).

AP/RN, 27.03.1997; AP/RN, 03.04.1997; AP/RN, 05.06. 1997.

“Sinn Féin Youth. 1st National Congress. Annual Report”, 17 October 1998, PH1607, LL; AP/RN, 28.08.1997.

Author interview with Eoin Ó Broin (2015).

AP/RN, 28.08.1997.

Author interview with Irish source; Eoin Ó Broin, Matxinada: Historia del Movimiento Juvenil Radical Vasco, Tafalla, Txalaparta, 2004.

AP/RN, 02.04.1998; AP/RN, 09.04.1998; AP/RN, 30.04.1998.

AP/RN, 02.07.1998; AP/RN, 18.06.1998.

Irish Times, 31.10.1998.

https://www.politico.eu/article/arnaldo-otegi-the-basque-gerry-adams/ (17.08.21).

Cullen, Gora Rebeldiak! A History of Radical Basque Nationalist-Irish Republican Relations [forthcoming].

Pascal Pragnère, “Exporter la guerre – importer la paix. Dimensions transnationales de deux conflits nationalistes. Irlande du Nord, Pays Basque” [in Catherine Maignant (ed.), La France et l´Irlande: destins croisés 16e-21e siécles, Lille, CECILLE – Université Lille, 2012], pp. 195–210.

Casquete, En el nombre de Euskal Herria, pp. 19–21, pp. 106–8; Raúl López Romo, Gaizka Fernández Soldevilla, “Deuda de sangre. La visión del pasado de ETA y el IRA”, APORTES. Revista de Historia Contemporánea, vol. 33, no. 97, 2018, pp. 267–94.

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AP/RN, 28.03.1996; Iñaki Iriondo, Ramón Sola, Mañana, Euskal Herria. Entrevista con Arnaldo Otegi, Bilbao, Baigorri Argitaletxea, 2005, p. 76; AP/RN, 01.12.2005; AP/RN, 16.06.2005.

PHEH, 19.10.1984; PHEH, Cuaderno April 1985; AP/RN, 13.06.1985.




Come citare

Cullen, N. (2022). “No Time for Love”: Radical Basque Nationalist-Irish Republican Relations and the Emergence of a Shared Political Culture (1981–98). Araucaria, 24(50). https://doi.org/10.12795/araucaria.2022.i50.10



Monográfico I
##plugins.generic.dates.received## 2021-09-15
##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2022-02-12
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2022-08-12
  • Abstract 764
  • PDF (Español (España)) 310