Tácito y el ejército romano: el caso de los centuriones

Tacitus and the Roman Army: The Case of the Centurions





Tacitus, centurions, Roman army; res militaris; Roman soldier


This study analyses the figure of the centurion in Tacitus’ works based on an examination of the information gathered in his writings concerning this position and its comparison with the portrayal made by other authors that preceded him, such as Polybius, Caesar, Sallust or Livy. The purpose of such analysis is to determine whether Tacitus was merely a keeper of the topoi of the literary tradition regarding this rank of the Roman army or, by contrast, developed, expanded and adapted some of those commonplaces to serve the interests of his works.


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How to Cite

Palao Vicente, J. J. (2023). Tácito y el ejército romano: el caso de los centuriones: Tacitus and the Roman Army: The Case of the Centurions. Araucaria, 25(54). https://doi.org/10.12795/i54.11
Received 2023-06-05
Accepted 2023-06-06
Published 2023-10-03
  • Abstract 331
  • PDF (Español (España)) 131