Entre la normatividad y el pragmatismo: las relaciones de Europa e India

Between normativity and pragmatism: the relationship between Europe and India


  • Ana Ballesteros Peiró Barcelona Centre for International Affairs CIDOB




European Union, India, strategic alliance, Indo-Pacific, Great power competition


The European Union (EU) and India have shown an increasing interest in deepening their relationship beyond the economic sphere. The EU is an important trade partner for India, but there are doubts about its readiness to become a more relevant political and security actor in the Indo-Pacific and globally. For the EU, India’s economic rise makes it a more attractive partner. Nonetheless, it must still deal with its nearer priorities, the differences among its members, and the perception of India’s reluctance. Both strategic partners share characteristics and interests that, instead of bringing them closer, keep them rather inert. Considering the background and areas of the partnership, this article questions the roles, actual and potential, of both actors, and the convergences and divergencies of interests.


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How to Cite

Ballesteros Peiró, A. (2023). Entre la normatividad y el pragmatismo: las relaciones de Europa e India: Between normativity and pragmatism: the relationship between Europe and India. Araucaria, 25(53). https://doi.org/10.12795.araucaria.2023.i53.05
Received 2023-04-11
Accepted 2023-04-12
Published 2023-05-25
  • Abstract 436
  • PDF (Español (España)) 143