“Shadow army” and military terrorism in 21st century Germany. The 2017 Der Tag X conspiracy

“Ejército en la sombra” y terrorismo militar en la Alemania del siglo XXI. La conspiración de Der Tag X de 2017





Bundeswehr, Far Right, Armed Forces, Military Interventionism, Terrorism


In 2017, a conspiracy known as Tag X (Day X) was uncovered within the German Bundeswehr (Armed Forces). This operation had been articulated from the embryo of a possible 'shadow army', supported by paramilitary organisations, and its aim was to seize power through the use of violence and terror Der Tag (The X-Day). This dynamic would culminate in the implementation of “ethnic cleansing”, the elimination of “internal enemies” and the establishment of an authoritarian state. Our thesis is that the origin of this military conspiracy is closely associated with a set of political, social, economic and cultural transformations that have taken place since the last decade of the twentieth century and that have In 2017, a conspiracy known as Tag X (Day X) was uncovered within the German Bundeswehr (Armed Forces). This operation had been articulated from the embryo of a possible 'shadow army', supported by paramilitary organisations, and its aim was to seize power through the use of violence and terror Der Tag  (The X-Day).


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Author Biography

Roberto Muñoz Bolaños, Universidad del Atlántico Medio (España), Universidad Camilo José Cela (España)

Professor of Social Sciences at the universities of Atlántico Medio, Camilo
José Cela and Francisco de Vitoria. A specialist in military history and the Transition, he is the author
of 23-F. Los golpes de Estado (2015), El 23-F y los otros golpes de Estado de la Transición (2021);
book chapters), and articles such as “Are we so different? Military interventionism in Spain, the
United Kingdom and the United Status” (Araucaria. Revista Iberoamericaba de Filosofía, Política,
Humanidades y Relaciones Internacionales, 2019). In 2015 he was awarded the IV Javier Tusell Prize
for New Historians for his article “La última trinchera. El poder militar y el problema de la Unión
Militar Democrática durante la transición y la consolidación democrática, 1975-1986”


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How to Cite

Muñoz Bolaños, R. (2023). “Shadow army” and military terrorism in 21st century Germany. The 2017 Der Tag X conspiracy: “Ejército en la sombra” y terrorismo militar en la Alemania del siglo XXI. La conspiración de Der Tag X de 2017. Araucaria, 25(52). https://doi.org/10.12795/araucaria.2023.i52.01



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