Lord Acton, el victoriano confederado: en defensa de la primitiva Unión y los derechos de los estados

Lord Acton, the Victorian Confederate: In Defense of the Primitive Union and Rights of States





Estados Unidos, Guerra Civil, Confederación, Revolución norteamericana, derechos de los estados, Lord Acton, esclavitud


Lord Acton took sided with the Confederate cause. He did it guided by his sense of the History and the power: ideals have a transforming power and the South states proclaimed his secession moved by the vindication of the original principles of the North American Revolution against the tyranny of the majority. Acton does not go into legal interpretations about the materialization of the right of secession, but explains the effective meaning of the notion of sovereignty and includes it among the unalienable states’ rights. Acton, jealous of preserving the balances that neutralize or limit the tendency towards the despotism of the majority and of the "General Government", considers that the South states fought for an ideal: they did it to protect their rights on the basis of the old Constitution and for a new Union.


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Correspondencia y fuentes directas de Acton:

P. De la Nuez (ed.), Lord Acton. Ensayos sobre la libertad y el poder (Madrid, 1998).

John Acton, The Civil War in America (Las Vegas, 2018) [conferencia dictada para la Literary and Scientific Insitution, Bridgnorth, 18 de enero de 1866].

Lee Family Digital Archive: https://leefamilyarchive.org/papers/letters/transcripts-unknown%20sources/u020.html

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How to Cite

Redondo Rodelas, J. (2023). Lord Acton, el victoriano confederado: en defensa de la primitiva Unión y los derechos de los estados: Lord Acton, the Victorian Confederate: In Defense of the Primitive Union and Rights of States. Araucaria, 25(52). https://doi.org/10.12795/araucaria.2023.i52.15
Received 2022-09-26
Accepted 2022-10-04
Published 2023-02-09
  • Abstract 197
  • PDF (Español (España)) 68