Fundamentalismo ideológico, intolerancia social, neolengua y culto al agravio. Una revisión de la “Doctrina woke” como factor de alteración del orden constitucional

Ideological fundamentalism, social intolerance, newspeak and the cult of grievance. A review of the "Woke Doctrine" as a factor of alteration of the constitutional order


  • Daniel Sansó-Rubert Pascual Universidad Europea (Madrid-España)



Doctrina woke, intolerancia, corrección política, cancelación, libertad, derechos fundamentales, democracia.


Without the intention of carrying out a detailed historical retrospective about the beginnings, journey, and actuality of the evolution of the so-called "Woke Doctrine", the evolution and the nature of the events carried out by its defenders and supporters in the last decade, does merit, at least, some reflections that allow us to understand where it starts from and what it has become. Basically, at the mercy of the facts, this article elucidates how and to what extent this ideological approach and its main ramifications negatively affect fundamental aspects of the constitutional democratic order.


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How to Cite

Sansó-Rubert Pascual, D. (2023). Fundamentalismo ideológico, intolerancia social, neolengua y culto al agravio. Una revisión de la “Doctrina woke” como factor de alteración del orden constitucional: Ideological fundamentalism, social intolerance, newspeak and the cult of grievance. A review of the "Woke Doctrine" as a factor of alteration of the constitutional order. Araucaria, 25(52).
Received 2022-08-20
Accepted 2022-08-21
Published 2023-02-09
  • Abstract 853
  • PDF (Español (España)) 434