The monster: philosophy and history, or why José Ortega y Gasset never read Edward Gibbon


  • Antonio Lastra Meliá Profesor



Gibbon, Ortega y Gasset, philosophy, history


Only with the greatest of scruples could a strange omission be pointed out in the approach to the central problem of the relationship between philosophy and history, an omission that would be reflected in ‘History as a System’ by the Spanish philosopher José Ortega and Gasset, a text that had previously been published in German under the title ‘Die Lage der Wissenschaft und die historische Vernunft’ (The place of science and historical reason) and which, when first published in the original version, in 1941, it would form a book together with another chapter —evidently unfinished— dedicated to the Roman Empire. In the relation of history as a system to the Roman Empire, of two “totalizations” —Ortega’s term in España invertebrada to refer to Roman agency in history— or two aspirations to the totality of civilized life, the omission of Edward Gibbon is even stranger.


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How to Cite

Lastra Meliá, A. (2022). The monster: philosophy and history, or why José Ortega y Gasset never read Edward Gibbon. Araucaria, 24(51).
Received 2022-08-08
Accepted 2022-08-09
Published 2022-11-17
  • Abstract 173
  • PDF (Español (España)) 110