Aristotle’s Politeia of the Carthaginians




Aristotle’s Politics Book 2, Carthage, politeia, non-Greeks, best regime (ariste politeia), Aristotle’s Politeiai


One aspect of Book 2 of Aristotle’s Politics that has drawn the most attention among scholars is his discussion of the politeia of Carthage, a non-Greek political community. Bearing in mind this unconventional decision, my paper will firstly focus on the reasons that led Aristotle to include this regime by adopting the conceptual category of politeia: this, in fact, allows him to analyze political phenomena that meet a series of prerequisites and are not exclusively related with the Greek world. Secondly, I will concentrate on the criteria used by the philosopher to determine whether or not the Carthaginians’ political order actually worked, showing that these criteria come mainly from the ‘empirical’ Books (4-6) of Politics.


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How to Cite

PEZZOLI, F. (2022). Aristotle’s Politeia of the Carthaginians. Araucaria, 24(49).



Monográfico I
Received 2021-12-30
Accepted 2021-12-31
Published 2022-04-20
  • Abstract 603
  • PDF 125