Hombre, técnica y mundo en Friedrich Dessauer y Günther Anders

Man, technique and world in Friedrich Dessauer and Günther Anders





Technique, Man, Friedrich Dessauer, Günther Anders, Philosophical Anthropology


The present paper attemps to inscribe the phenomenon of technique within the framework of a philosophical anthropology that allows us to approach an understanding of the historical moment of the 20th century. For this, the notion of technique advocated by Friedrich Dessauer is first analyzed, clarifying it as a totalizing phenomenon that keeps a fundamental relationship with man. Subsequently the notion of technique proposed by Günther Anders is discussed, for whom the condition of contemporary man, inseparable from technical events, has been subject to essential transformations.


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Author Biography

Iván López García, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona - Instituto de Historia de la Ciencia

   Actual position: FPU Predoctoral Researcher at the Institute of History of Science (IHC-UAB). With the thesis "Origin and destiny of life in the Universe: a social history of astrobiology in Spain". This is a doctoral thesis project funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, which aims to develop a history of astrobiology in Spain that takes into account the institutional, social and cultural factors that allowed its birth, consolidation and current development.

Academic qualifications: - Degree in Philosophy at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2015-2019). With Extraordinary Final Degree Award and Mention in Fundamental Philosophy. 

- Master in Pedagogical Education at the Universitat de Barcelona (2019-2020).

Distinctions: - Extraordinary End of Degree Award from the la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

                              -   Scholarship Santander Progreso to the best academic records 2019.



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How to Cite

López García, I. (2023). Hombre, técnica y mundo en Friedrich Dessauer y Günther Anders: Man, technique and world in Friedrich Dessauer and Günther Anders. Araucaria, 25(52). https://doi.org/10.12795/araucaria.2023.i52.04



Las ideas. Su política y su historia
Received 2021-12-22
Accepted 2022-03-07
Published 2023-02-09
  • Abstract 447
  • PDF (Español (España)) 345