Carta de Thomas Paine al Abate Raynal sobre los asuntos de Norteamérica en la que se corrigen y aclaran los errores en el relato del Abate Raynal sobre la Revolución Americana


  • Ismael Romero
  • Ricardo Bonet



American Revolution, Thomas Paine


The Letter to the Abbé Raynal was first published in 1782 in response to the appearance, a year earlier, of the English translation of the Abbé Raynal’s account of the Revolution in America. Although he begins acknowledging the style of the author of the highly influential Histoire philosophique et politique des établissements et du commerce des Européens dans les deux Indes, then he reproaches him for his lack of practicality, and corrects what he considers to be errors and false assumptions about the origins of the War of Independence and the role of France in the independence movement, Thomas Paine sets out in the Letter the universal dimension of his revolutionary principles. Eclipsed by other works and usually overlooked, the Letter, written in the context of diplomatic negotiations for peace, represents a turning point in the author’s thinking as he began to think in international terms. 


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Paine, Thomas., Carta dirigida al Abate Raynal sobre los asuntos de Norteamérica en la que se corrigen y aclaran los errores en el relato del Abate Raynal sobre la Revolución Americana



How to Cite

Romero, I., & Bonet, R. (2021). Carta de Thomas Paine al Abate Raynal sobre los asuntos de Norteamérica en la que se corrigen y aclaran los errores en el relato del Abate Raynal sobre la Revolución Americana. Araucaria, 23(48).
  • Abstract 1468
  • PDF (Español (España)) 409