
  • José Antonio Fernández López Universidad de Murcia



Judaism, Enlightenment, assimilation, emancipation, pariah, negative identity


From the late 18th century, the gradual integration of European Jews into the modern State as a result of a process of political, social and religious emancipation will change the Jewish identity forever. The Enlightenment will be an overriding period in this process that will not only take them out of the ghetto and towards political equality but will also bring about dispersion and loss. In this paper we’re going to look into this process within the German Judaism, for its historical importance, its quality of model and the significance of the changes it underwent. We will also address in the second part of our work the idea of negative identity, as a waste and consequence of the history of the twentieth century, showing its links to the very illustrated origins of the issue.


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Author Biography

José Antonio Fernández López, Universidad de Murcia

Doctor por la Univeridad de Murcia. Profesor del Departamento de Filosofía. Facultad de Filosofía


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Las ideas. Su política y su historia
Received 2021-03-22
Accepted 2021-06-10
Published 2022-11-17
  • Abstract 356
  • PDF (Español (España)) 175