Nietzsche: for a politics of the individual
Nietzsche, Politics, Individual, Democracy, TocquevilleAbstract
Although Nietzsche never formulated an actual political theory, his critique of modernity and his search for alternative solutions to raise the 'human type' are certainly part of a “große Politik” project, which, however, belongs more to the realm of philosophy and culture than to that of a science of government. In opposition to homologating organisations - political, economic, moral - that have robbed man of his most peculiar energies, Nietzsche works for the promotion of a strong individuality that alone can promise lasting constructions. Originality and the ability to incorporate discordant elements are, for Nietzsche, symptoms of a superior culture: the 'good European' of the future will therefore be the one who, beyond narrow personal and national boundaries, will be able to open up to fruitful hybridisation.
Nietzsche - Politics - Individual - Democracy - Tocqueville
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Accepted 2021-03-07
Published 2021-03-10
- Abstract 378
- PDF (Español (España)) 184