The politics of power and the politics of greatness: Nietzsche's anti-egalitarianism





Poder, grandeza, igualdad, libertad, democracia


The peculiarity of the Nietschean notion of the will to power is his definition as an activity of continuous opposition of forces by which the living organizes itself in relations of dominance and obedience, trying not only to preserve itself but, above all, to overcome itself. This is the very politics of life that governs the processes of individuation, the conquest of freedom and cultural creativity that makes us advance and rise to higher forms of existence. This article tries to clarify in what sense the originality of the Nietzschean Grosse Politik lies in the attempt to develop the way in which impulse psychophysiology allows to reformulate the transvaluation and elevation of the human type and culture. The inspiration in Plato of this project is analyzed, the counterpoint that the ethical-political approaches of Kant and Hegel represent for him, and the aporias of its practical implantation against the modern democratic systems with which Nietzsche debates.


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How to Cite

SANCHEZ MECA, D. (2021). The politics of power and the politics of greatness: Nietzsche’s anti-egalitarianism. Araucaria, 23(46).



Monográfico I
Received 2021-01-17
Accepted 2021-03-06
Published 2021-03-10
  • Abstract 355
  • PDF (Español (España)) 213