Feminist perspectives about the Law and the ECHR: the case Carvalho Pinto de Sousa Morais v. Portugal
Feminist Jurisprudence. European Court of Human Rights. Legal Mobilization. StereotypesAbstract
Feminist Jurisprudence have challenged the Law in a very relevant way, viewing it as a way of reproducing sexual and gender inequalities. In this paper, starting from the reflection on a specific case and the respective decisions of the portuguese courts and the European Court of Human Rights, I seek to analyse - in a space and time in which the national and international normative legal frameworks claim to be promoters of gender equality - the achievements that Law has effectively made possible and with what intensity. The perspective that moves me is based on a policy of recognition, i.e., it intends to recognise an emancipatory potential in Law, exploring the possibility of its use in feminist struggles.
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Accepted 2020-12-17
Published 2021-03-10
- Abstract 495
- PDF (Español (España)) 209