Machado, Juan de Mairena, humanismo, socialismo cordial, esperanza.Abstract
The aim of this paper is to present the characteristics of Machado’s humanistic attitude in Juan de Mairena, but also its appearance over his work. Due to the fact that Machado doesn’t address this subject systematically, it is necessary to establish a criterion in order to clarify its main points. Consequently, we point out the traits that make this humanism not affected by the anti-humanistic criticisms of the 20th century: essentialism, anthropocentrism, the progressive myth, individualism or elitism. The final result will be a humanism that defends the human being’s dignity from its constitutive indigence, the hopeful scepticism, the cordial socialism and the popular culture. Because of that Machado is one of the most outstanding intellectuals of the Republic.
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Accepted 2021-03-19
Published 2022-11-17
- Abstract 249
- PDF (Español (España)) 132