DOI: clave:
Edward GibbonResumen
Miscellaneous Works of Edward Gibbon, Esquire, with Memoirs of his Life
and Writings, composed by Himself, illustrated from his Letters, with
occasional notes and narrative, by John Lord Sheffield, Strahan and
Cadell, Londres, 1796, 2 vols.; John Murray, Londres, 18142, 5 vols.
The Life of Edward Gibbon, Esq., with selections from his correspondence and
ilustrations, ed. de H. H. Milman, John Murray, Londres, 1839.
The Autobiographies of Edward Gibbon, printed verbatim from hitherto
unpublished Mss., with an Introduction by the Earl of Sheffield, John
Murray, Londres, 1896; 18972.
The Memoirs of the Life of Edward Gibbon, with various observations and
excursions by himself, ed. de George Birkbeck Hill, Putnam, Nueva York;
Methuen, Londres, 1900.
Autobiography, ed. de J. B. Bury, World’s Classics, Oxford University Press,
The Autobiography of Edward Gibbon, ed. de Oliphant Smeaton, Everyman
Library, Dent, Londres, 1911.
Gibbon’s Journal to January 28th, 1763: My Journal I, II, and III, and
Ephemerides, ed. de D. M. Low, Chatto & Windus, Londres, 1929.
Le Journal de Gibbon à Lausanne 17 Août 1763 – 19 Avril 1764 publié par
Georges Bonnard, F. Rouge et Cie S. A., Lausanne, 1945.
Miscellanea Gibboniana, ed. de Gavin R. de Beer, Georges A. Bonnard y Louis
Junod, Librairie de l’université, Lausana, 1952.
The Letters of Edward Gibbon, ed. de J. E. Norton, Cassell, Londres, 1956, 3
Gibbon’s Journey from Geneve to Rome: His Journal from 20 April to 2 October
, ed. de G. A. Bonnard, Thomas Nelson and Sons, Londres, 1961.
The Autobiography of Edward Gibbon, ed. de Dero A. Saunders, Meridian
Books, Nueva York, 1961.
Memoirs of My Life, ed. de Georges A. Bonnard, Nelson, Londres, 1966.
The English Essays of Edward Gibbon, ed. de P. B. Craddock, Clarendon Press,
Oxford, 1972.
Memoirs of My Life, ed. de Betty Radice, Penguin, Hardmonsworth, 1984;
Memoirs of My Life and Writings, ed. de O. J. Cockshut y Stephen Constantine,
Ryburn Publishing, Keele, 1994. [Reimpresión de la edición de 1814].
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire [1776-1788, 6 vols.],
ed. de David Womersley, Allen Lane, The Penguin Press, Londres, 1994, 3
vols.; Abridged Edition, ed. de D. Womersley, Penguin, Harmondsworth,
Essai sur l’Étude de la Littérature: A Critical Edition, ed. de R. Mankin y P. B.
Craddock, Voltaire Foundation, Oxford, 2010.
D. M. Low, Edward Gibbon 1737-1794, Chatto & Windus, Londres, 1937.
Georges A. Bonnard, ‘Gibbon’s Essai sur l’Etude de la Littérature as judged
by contemporary reviewers and by Gibbon himself’, English Studies 32
(1951), pp. 145-53.
Giuseppe Giarrizzo, Edward Gibbon e la cultura europea del settecento,
Istituto per gli Studi Istorici, Nápoles, 1954.
Harold L. Bond, The Literary Art of Edward Gibbon, Clarendon Press, Oxford,
Arnaldo Momigliano, Studies in Historiography, Weidenfeld and Nicolson,
Londres, 1966.
C. W. y R. T. Bruère, ‘An Elusive Gibbonian Quotation’, Classical Philology
/4 (1967), pp. 256-58.
Barrett John Mandel, ‘The Problem of Narration in Edward Gibbon’s
Autobiography’, Studies in Philology 67/4 (1970), pp. 550–64.
David P. Jordan, Gibbon and His Roman Empire, University of Illinois Press,
Urbana, 1971.
Roger J. Porter, ‘Gibbon’s Autobiography: Filling Up the Silent Vacancy’,
Eighteenth-Century Studies 8/1 (1974-1975), pp. 1-26.
Martin Price, ‘The Inquisition of Truth: Memory and Freedom in Gibbon’s
Memoirs’, Philological Quarterly 54 (1975), pp. 391–408.
Edward Gibbon and the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire [número
monográfico], Daedalus 105/3, (1976).
Gibbon et Rome à la lumière de l’historiographie moderne, ed. de P. Ducrey, F.
Burkhalter y R. Overmeer, Droz, Ginebra, 1977.
Michel Baridon, Edward Gibbon et le mythe de Rome. Histoire et idéologie au
siècle des Lumières, Champion, París, 1977, 2 vols.
Edward Gibbon and the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, ed. de G. W.
Bowersock, John Clive y Stephen R. Graubard, Harvard University Press,
Cambridge, Mass., 1977.
Lionel Gossman, The Empire Unpossess’d: An Essay on Gibbon’s Decline and
Fall, Cambridge University Press, 1981.
Martine Watson Brownley, ‘Gibbon’s Memoirs: The Legacy of the Historian’,
Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 201 (1982), pp. 209–20.
Paul Turnbull, ‘The “Supposed Infidelity” of Edward Gibbon’, Historical
Journal 25/1 (1982), pp. 23–41.
Patricia B. Craddock, Young Edward Gibbon, Gentleman of Letters, Johns
Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1982.
—, Edward Gibbon, Luminous Historian, Johns Hopkins University Press,
Baltimore, 1989.
J. W. Burrow, Gibbon, Oxford University Press, 1985.
W. B. Carnochan, Gibbon’s Solitude: The Inner World of the Historian, Stanford
University Press, 1987.
Roy Porter, Edward Gibbon: Making History, Weidenfeld and Nicolson,
Londres, 1988.
David Womersley, The Transformation of the Decline and Fall of the Roman
Empire, Cambridge University Press, 1988.
—, Gibbon and the ‘Watchmen of the Holy City’. The Historian and his
Reputation 1776-1815, Oxford University Press, 2002.
Catherine N Parke, ‘Edward Gibbon by Edward Gibbon’, Modern Language
Quarterly 50/1 (1989), pp. 23–37.
John H Pearson, ‘Reading the Writing in the Drafts of Edward Gibbon’s
Memoirs’, Biography 14/3 (1991), pp. 222–42.
Ruud Teeuwen, ‘Coming Home: Edward Gibbon’s Essai sur l’Étude de la
Littérature and the “Quality of Foreignness”’, Orbis Litterarum 49 (1994),
pp. 84-98.
Peter Ghosh, ‘Gibbon’s First Thoughts: Christianity and the Essai sur l’Étude
de la Littérature’, The Journal of Roman Studies 85 (1995), pp. 148-164.
Edward Gibbon and Empire, ed. de Rosamond McKitterick y Roland Quinault,
Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Edward Gibbon. Bicentenary essays, ed. de D. Womersley, J. Burrow y J.
Pocock, The Voltaire Foundation, Oxford, 1997.
Karen O’Brien, Narratives of Enlightenment. Cosmopolitan history from
Voltaire to Gibbon, Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Joseph M Levine, The Autonomy of History: Truth and Method from Erasmus
to Gibbon, The University of Chicago Press, 1999.
John Gawthrop, ‘A History of Edward Gibbon’s Six Autobiographical
Manuscripts’, The British Library Journal 25/2 (1999), pp. 188-203.
Brian Norman, The Influence of Switzerland on the Life and Writings of Edward
Gibbon, The Voltaire Foundation, Oxford, 2002.
Leo Braudy, The Plot of Time: Narrative Form in Hume, Fielding and Gibbon,
Figueroa Press, Los Angeles, 20032.
G. W. Bowersock, From Gibbon to Auden. Essays on the Clasical Tradition,
Oxford University Press, 2009.
Ralph Lerner, Playing the Fool. Subversive Laughter in Troubled Times, The
University of Chicago Press, 2009.
—, Naïve Readings. Reveilles Political and Philosophic, The University of
Chicago Press, 2016.
Paul Cartledge, ‘Gibbon and Tacitus’, The Cambridge Companion to Tacitus,
ed. de A. J. Woodman, Cambridge University Press, 2009, pp. 269-279.
Hugh Trevor-Roper, History and the Enlightenment, ed. de J. Robertson, Yale
University Press, New Haven y Londres, 2010.
Charlotte Roberts, Edward Gibbon and the Shape of History, Oxford University
Press, 2014.
J. G. A. Pocock, Barbarism and Religion, Cambridge University Press, 1999-
, 6 vols.
Edward Gibbon im deutschen Sprachraum. Bausteine einer Rezeptionsgeschichte,
ed. de Cord-Friedrich Berghahn y Till Kinzel, Universitätsverlag Winter,
Heidelberg, 2015.
The Cambridge Companion to Edward Gibbon, ed. de K. O’Brien y B. Young,
Cambridge University Press, 2018.
Gavin Kelly, ‘Edward Gibbon and the Late Antique Literature’, A Companion
to Late Antique Literature, ed. de Scott McGill and Edward J. Watts, Wiley
Blackwell, Hoboken, 2018, pp. 611-625.
Nathaniel Wolloch, ‘Edward Gibbon’s Autobiographies and the Historicist
Critique of Enlightenment Historiography’, Journal of Literature and the
History of Ideas 17/1 (2019), pp. 1-22.
Jonathan I. Israel, The Enlightenment that Failed. Ideas, Revolution, and
Democratic Defeat 1748-1830, Oxford University Press, 2019.
Edward Gibbon et Lausanne. Le Pays de Vaud à la rencontre des Lumières
européennes, sous la direction de Béla Kapossy et Béatrice Lovis, Infolio,
Gollion, 2022.
Autobiografía, ed. de A. Dorta, Espasa-Calpe, Buenos Aires, 1949.
Historia de la decadencia y ruina del Imperio romano, trad. de J. Mor de Fuentes
-1847], Turner, Madrid, 1984, 8 vols.; Historia de la decadencia y
caída del Imperio romano, trad. de J. Mor de Fuentes, Turner, Madrid,
, 4 vols.
Historia de la decadencia y ruina del Imperio romano, prólogo de J. L. Borges,
trad. de J. Mor de Fuentes, Hyspamérica/Orbis, Madrid, 1988.
Historia de la decadencia y caída del Imperio romano, ed. abreviada de D. A.
Saunders, trad. de C. Francí, Alba, Barcelona, 2000 (20202); Círculo de
Lectores, Barcelona, 2001.
Memorias de mi vida, ed. de D. A. Saunders, trad. de J. Marco, Alba, Barcelona,
Juicio histórico del derecho romano: capítulo XLIV de la Historia de la
decadencia y caída del Imperio romano, trad. de I. Cremades, Marcial
Pons, Madrid, 2006.
Decadencia y caída del Imperio romano, trad. de J. Sánchez de León Menduiña,
Atalanta, Vilaür, 2012-2017, 2 vols.
Los cristianos y la caída de Roma, trad. de J. Sánchez de León Menduiña,
Taurus, Madrid, 2013; Círculo de Lectores, Barcelona, 2014.
Breve historia de la decadencia y ruina del Imperio romano, trad. de E. Fuentes
[= J. Mor de Fuentes; reproducción sin advertencia de la edición de
Hyspamérica/Orbis de 1988], Verbum, Madrid, 2020.
Ensayo sobre el estudio de la literatura, ed. de A. Lastra, Ediciones del
subsuelo, Barcelona, 2022.
Memorias de mi vida, ed. de A. Lastra, Cátedra, Madrid, 2022.
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