For many years, the topic of “madness” was covered with prejudices not only in Mexican society, but also in the Mexican legal system, which in its beginnings did not have greater considerations towards people suffering from such condition, therefore, the administration of justice was irregular and often subject to the discretion of the judge, so medical experts had to be resorted.
Juan Ramón de la Fuente y Gerhard Heinze, Salud Mental y medicina psicológica. Segunda edición. McGraw-Hill, México, 2014.
María Cristina Sacristán. Locura e Inquisición en Nueva España 1571–1760., FCE – El Colegio de Michoacán, A.C., México, 1992.
Michael Foucault, Historia de la locura en la época clásica I, Fondo de Cultura Económica, octava reimpresión, México, 1999.
Roy Porter. Breve historia de la locura. FCE México, 2003.
Víctor A. Paya y Marco A. Jiménez (Coordinadores), Institución, familia y enfermedad mental: reflexiones socioantropológicas desde un hospital psiquiátrico, FES Acatlán UNAM, México, 2010.