De la religiosidad de la naturaleza al espiritismo socialista: sinergias anglo-hispanas, Felicia Hemans y las autoras de la prensa sevillana del XIX




tolerancia religiosa, Autoras, prensa sevillana, siglo XIX, Felicia Hemans


From conservative anti-slavery positions, to a moderate liberal concept of religiosity of nature, and even reaching a radicalism that broke with Catholic orthodoxy through a spiritism intertwined with utopian socialism, the female authors who collaborated with the nineteenth-century Sevillian press defended a religious ideal of tolerance against the constricted context of society. In this, the synergies generated as a result of the exodus of Spanish liberals to England, especially to London, as a consequence of the repressions existing in Spain in the first decades of the 19th century, played an essential role. The reception of the work of English female contemporaries such as Felicia Hemans, the most relevant female author in the English-speaking world of her time and in turn imbued with the religious revolution of José María Blanco White, also from Seville, is manifested, in this sense, in the new spiritual imaginary of the female authors in the Sevillian press of the time.


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Como Citar

Benítez Alonso, E. M. (2024). De la religiosidad de la naturaleza al espiritismo socialista: sinergias anglo-hispanas, Felicia Hemans y las autoras de la prensa sevillana del XIX. Revista Internacional De História Da Comunicação, (23).
##plugins.generic.dates.received## 2024-09-26
##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 2024-10-14
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 2024-12-24
  • Resumo 12
  • PDF (Español (España)) 15