The polish press in france during the july monarchy (1830-1848)




July Monarchy (France), Polish Press, Great Emigration, ephemerides, Poles in Paris, XIX century


The year 1831 was marked by the mass exile of the Polish intellectual elite to Paris, following the failure of the November Uprising (which wanted to restore part of Polish autonomy in response to the conservative policy of Tsar Nicholas I). Arriving in Paris, the Poles began to write and thus the first Polish newspapers were born, written in their native language, published in France. King Louis-Philippe, being afraid of the French and Polish press, established harsh laws that constrained the birth and publication of newspapers and magazines. In this context, we will be interested in newspapers written in Polish but published in France under the July Monarchy. Who read them and what was their purpose? These are only the starting questions for this reflection. We will observe the methods of overriding legal laws by the first journalists, but also how these newspapers were promoted and financed, among other things.


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Como Citar

Klekot, K. (2024). The polish press in france during the july monarchy (1830-1848). Revista Internacional De História Da Comunicação, (23).
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